Tag: galleries

Building Peace of Mind Through Positive Identification

How RFID tracking works to support efficiency and authenticity While art invokes the spectrum of our feelings, art buyers are also purchasing peace of mind because collectors generally trust artists and dealers. Confidence in these transactions is the principal support for valuation, so it’s puzzling that only a small fraction of art sold carries robust authentication. Art crime remains the…

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Hey Cities! Got Space? How About a Pop-Up Gallery?

Pop-up stores—not a new concept. We’ve seen Spirit Halloween stores come into neighborhood shopping districts, thrill us with their vast assortment, and go. A Christmas candy pop-up surprises you with convenience, a “Bouquets To Go” at Valentine’s Day next to your local grocery store was just what you needed at that moment, or maybe you’ve had a glimpse of an…

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Selling to the Trade

Maximizing trade sales to broaden your distribution and give you more time to create art The traditional way of selling art through brick-and-mortar galleries works. But if you find yourself creating marketing materials, building websites, packing boxes, and accounting for your sales when you’d rather be painting, sculpting, or blowing glass, then it’s time to consider selling to the trade.…

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