Social Media

The Importance of Social Media Activity For Artist Success

Tips for not getting lost among competitors while finding your own style and audience I have often wondered: What is an artist? No, not an artist only by name, but by his whole being. The artist’s position in society is often uncertain. According to Artsy, in past centuries, an artist was a poor and unrestricted man, hardly understood by those…

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Short Guide on Crafting Your Artist Bio, CV, and Artist Statement

For creatives with enough determination and drive, there is no greater goal than making a livelihood out of their artwork. Working as a professional artist is a unique, exciting, and highly rewarding career path that gives artistic minds an opportunity to share their vision with the world. Just as there is a process of creating a great piece of art,…

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7 Top Tools to Make Stunning Gifs and Images for Social Media

Artists know they need to represent themselves with the best content going, but when you’re investing all your time in growing your practice it’s hard to prioritize social media. Yet in the high-stakes art world, digital visibility is essential to growing as a brand, so saving time on creating high-quality gifs and images for your social media is essential. We’ve…

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6 Tips for Artists to Engage Their Social Media Audience

Artists today have the opportunity to connect to their audience using social media. While the most important thing for an artist is the process of creation, it’s also important that the work reaches the desired audience. This is why artists use social media to engage with people who admire their art. But, what happens if you fail to get the…

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How to Maximize Traffic to Your Website and Blog

Art fairs and exhibitions are all staged where an audience can interact with the artists, displays and presentations. Today, the internet has become more important as a prime place for targeting audiences. Given the global COVID-19 pandemic, it has become an even more perfect means for artists to showcase their work online. Going online gives artists and galleries the opportunity…

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Everything About Writing Social Posts That Sell Art

Social networks have become a business tool, and their visual capabilities have become a great chance for artists to connect with their potential fans. And perhaps social networks, especially Instagram, can be the best place to begin your professional development and start earning an income from your art. However, you need to make sure that your posts not only consist…

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