The world of art is vast, including music, painting, drawing, writing, sculpting, and more. You can use artistic endeavors to strengthen yourself during a period...
People in the modern world experience tons of stress and pressure daily. We are pressured daily at work, during studies, and just in our everyday...
The development of fine motor skills of the hands develops and improves our brain when we are small children. As we grow up, activating the...
American contemporary artist Rachel Tribble’s award-winning, watercolor and oil paintings are recognized for their meditative qualities and serene use of color. Initially working in the...
Leading a business is a challenge under any circumstances. It’s a judging act of managing strategies, projects, and teams. It’s tracking the moving parts and...
There are many factors to consider when looking for a new art studio, as it can significantly impact the artist’s work. This article can help...
Rita Hisar’s motto is to “live in color.” The Italian/Czech contemporary artist has been drawing since she could hold a pencil in her hand. Growing...
We draw inspiration from the most unusual places, but exactly how does this work? We are bombarded with inspirations all the time. It is a...
Q: Introduce yourself – who are you and what do you do? A: My name is Deb Wight and I am a creator. Art is...