By Paul Cascio,The Guerrilla Framer When I first joined the framing business more than 25 years ago, I had to advertise in the Yellow Pages directory. It was a necessary evil for anyone in a service business. The Yellow Pages directory was the Google of its day. There, consumers searched for services, such as plumbing, transmission repair and, yes, picture…
By Linda Mariano When we think about the framing industry, we think of mouldings, mats, glass and all the equipment it takes to bring those elements together to create a beautiful frame. Whether it is a piece of artwork, a memento, an award or myriad other things that we want to display, the frame design completes the look. Step into…
At museums across the United States, artists and visitors have embraced the “maker culture” of 3-D printing technology, which allows users to create a physical work of art from a 3-D digital model.
A well-drafted consignment agreement legally protects both the artist and gallery owner and prevents the disappointment that might arise from a lack of clear understanding or expectations.
If you’re one of the many art lovers who are looking for more down-to-earth, wallet-friendly art finds, try these tips.
We asked Soo Sunny Park about her career path as an artist and how teaching affects her work. She offers some priceless advice for aspiring artists.
By Linda Mariano Just under six years ago, Paul Hickman created Urban Ashes—a company that makes picture frames from recycled wood and other salvaged materials alongside a mission to create jobs for a transitional workforce. And although it may be a relatively new company, it’s one that is steeped in the fundamentals of good business: find a need and fill…
By Tara Crichton Historically, spring is my favorite time of year. I say “historically” because this seems like the spring-that-wasn’t. Fall got co-opted by winter and spring has gotten bullied into submission, too. My personal response has been to revolt against the grey by bringing as much color into my personal space as possible. I brought the essence of spring…
By Michael Pacitti What makes a good custom framing designer? You’ve probably heard me mention many times in my Color and Design seminars and workshops: “It might be time to change your job description to custom-framing designer rather than a custom framer.” Generally, custom framers are decorators, and that’s not a bad thing. However, they decorate, but they do not…