Artexpo New York is an iconic fine art destination, now in its 45th year, that hosts more than 200 innovative exhibiting galleries, art publishers and dealers, and artists from across the globe, showcasing original work of 1000+ artists that includes prints, paintings, drawings, sculptures, photography, ceramics, giclee, lithographs and glass works, among other contemporary and fine art. Throughout its four…
There is a popular misconception that degrees in art are not profitable and do not have great return-on-investment figures. In reality, this is not the case. Individuals majoring in the arts get a solid foundation and knowledge that enables them to have successful and fulfilling careers. They get the essential skills and experience to succeed in many creative fields and…
Redwood Art Group, the leading connector of collectors, galleries, and artists, recently hosted a virtual art fair, RAVE (Redwood Art Group Virtual Events), with a focus on Artexpo New York to connect artists around the world with industry professionals. The virtual event lasted three days and featured artists like RISK, Al Diaz (aka SAMO), and Gatsby. Saturday’s RAVE event ended…
As one of the most ancient forms of art, painting has no limits. Throughout the history of art, the world has seen many artists who went beyond any limits and relied on rather odd and sometimes even frightening tools to create their paintings. To name a few, we’ve already seen Scott Blake create an entire portrait using solely ecstasy; Allison…
You probably already know the basics of approaching a gallery. You have a solid portfolio of current work. You researched and targeted galleries that show relevant work. You polished your CV and artist statement. Everything has been prepared with care and you are ready to send it off and finally land representation from your target gallery. But, how can you…
If you look at a sampling of the visual art that’s currently being produced in the United States, you will find an assortment that’s as varied as the artists who create it. You won’t, however, find all of that variety on offer in the marketplace, and that’s largely because artists are often unable to get their work to the audiences…
Anjali Srinivasan was first seduced by the medium of hot glass during an internship at a crystal company as part of her formal education at the National Institute of Fashion Technology, a design school in Delhi. Drawn to the “magical, fluid, molten glow of glass,” she went on to study glass and digital media at Rhode Island School of Design…
Any artist worth his or her salt is part of a larger arts community. Other artists are not your competition; other artists are your colleagues—and, I think you’ll find, your best friends. I once lived in a town with lots of artists but no community. Everyone worked in their own frustrated little bubble. I tried to begin a monthly get-together,…
I was taking a week-long Deep Writing workshop with the extraordinary creativity coach Dr. Eric Maisel. I’ve been writing for a long time now, so this wasn’t a how-to class, it was more about connecting with my work on a deeper level. What I learned about myself is that I was ready to fully embrace the writer’s life. What does…
So you’ve taken the jump and chosen to be an artist. Now what? Where’s the fabulous gallery opening in New York City? Where are the international collectors to lavish praise and money on you? Where’s the gallery to take care of all those pesky marketing tasks and details? Instead, you battle rejection. You wonder where the money is going to…