
The Art of High Technology Requires Being a Programmer and a Scientist

Research by Microsoft back in 2015 confirms that because of the very fast pace of life, modern man has less attention span than a goldfish. Therefore, it is very difficult to attract and captivate him. So popular contemporary art must be super-interesting. Creative people respond to this by developing high-tech art, where high-tech helps to create works that the audience…

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A Beginner’s Guide to NFTs for Crypto Art

Suppose you’re a digital artist or thinking about creating digital artworks. Then you might be interested in learning more about NFT crypto. But, with so many different platforms and marketplaces, it’s sometimes a challenge to get started. Alex Lysak is an industry expert on finance and cryptocurrency. As an online marketing expert, Alex has gained valuable knowledge and insight on…

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“Weaving Thru The World” Sustainable Art Sculpture Unveiled in Sydney

It’s common to walk around any city in the world and find street banners and festival flags hanging, but what happens to those flags when they are no longer needed? World Square, a premier shopping center located in Sydney, Australia, recently partnered with creative hot shop VANDAL to commission a sustainable art sculpture. The sculpture was developed by artist Gabrielle…

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Best Ways to Transport Canvas Art in 2021

Henri Matisse once said, “Creativity takes courage.” This could be understood in different ways since many artists have shaped contemporary culture throughout history and enriched our lives with their work. Art is almost always revolutionary in a way, where the artist pours his vision onto the canvas, making it eternal. These unique pieces are not always understood, and their value…

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