
Going Beyond Brushes: Top 6 Tools to Use for Making Your Paintings Stand Out

As one of the most ancient forms of art, painting has no limits. Throughout the history of art, the world has seen many artists who went beyond any limits and relied on rather odd and sometimes even frightening tools to create their paintings. To name a few, we’ve already seen Scott Blake create an entire portrait using solely ecstasy; Allison…

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Why Leaders Need to Remember That They Are Human Too

Leading a business is a challenge under any circumstances. It’s a judging act of managing strategies, projects, and teams. It’s tracking the moving parts and changing priorities, and it’s supporting and up-leveling people. In a year that has dished up one rollercoaster after another it’s natural for us to feel that we have to do more, be more, take more…

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Copyrights and Trademarks: How to Protect and Monetize Your Work

This article explains what copyrights and trademarks are, how to register or apply for a copyright or trademark, and what protections and rights copyright and trademark holders have. Find out how to protect and monetize your original work. What is a Copyright? In simple terms, copyright means “the right to copy.” A copyright holder has the exclusive right to reproduce…

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