Author page: Crista Cloutier

The Top 10 Tips for Art Fair Success

Artists all over the world rely on art fairs and festivals to promote their brand and sell their products. Many artists depend on these events for their livelihood, and many do very well. According to the TEFAF Art Marketing Report for 2018, over one million people attended the world’s top 20 art fairs last year. And projected sales for this year…

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Don’t Let Others’ Opinions Keep You from Doing the Work You’re Meant to Do

When I was in college, I had a favorite professor, who taught art history. He’d started out as a photographer, a career that had been his lifelong dream since mixing his own chemicals in a makeshift darkroom under his parents’ stairway. As a young man, he’d had an opportunity to show his portfolio to an established and highly celebrated photographer…

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Becoming a More Confident Artist

Artists struggle with self-confidence all the time. Do you? Seriously, as an artist, you are putting the most personal and vulnerable parts of yourself forward. Everybody has an opinion on your work and thinks they know better—and it’s easy to listen to them. It’s certainly much easier than keeping the faith. I know a photographer who recently showed his work…

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Connect With Your Ideas

Art is more than just pretty pictures. The best art explores ideas, and ideas need time to develop and to grow. In fact, they demand it. Respect the process and give yourself permission to take time for your work. Schedule it—or, better yet, make it a part of your daily routine. Each day I take an hour or so to…

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Can You Hear Me Now?

When I worked in the art business, I talked on the telephone constantly. So much for the glamorous life! Who knew that cauliflower ear was an occupational hazard for art dealers? But I was moving and shaking, baby! I needed to be on that phone. I couldn’t be disconnected! My phone defined my life. I recently read a study suggesting…

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