Lilac Gallery is a contemporary art gallery located in New York City. Lilac Gallery was originally established in 1972 as Lilac Fine Art by Hungarian-born American artist Albert S. Nemethy who immigrated to the United States in 1950 and settled in New York’s  Hudson Valley. Get to know Lilac Gallery, one of Artexpo New York’s 2023 Spotlight Recipients, below!

Q: Introduce yourself and your gallery — who you are and what is your vision?

A: My name is Mark Ilitzky, and I am Lilac Gallery’s manager. Lilac Gallery was established in 1972 as “LILAC Fine Art” by Hungarian-born American artist Albert S. Nemethy who immigrated to the United States in 1950 where he eventually settled himself in the Hudson Valley. Lilac Gallery re-opened in Manhattan in 2012 with a mission to bridge Fine and Contemporary Art. Today the gallery’s vision is to present uplifting works of art into the art world and to bring them into the homes of our collectors seamlessly. Whether our clients are first-time buyers and need assistance along the way in selecting their first piece of art, or have been collecting for years, we aim to make the process of acquiring art an enjoyable and celebrated experience.

Q: What is your background?

A: Originally from Guadalajara Mexico, I moved to the United States back in 2013, where I have been living and working in NYC since. With more than 15 years of practice as an architect, and also with a Master’s degree in Urban Development, I was the chief executive of ILIstudio. I worked on several urban design projects starting from their early stages of analysis and planning, to their management and development. Having a leading role in the design and construction of urban projects for many years provided expertise and a wealth of knowledge and vision for the gallery’s operations some years later.

Q: What is your work philosophy and how does that impact your gallery?

A: My working methodology is based on efficiency and sustainability. I try my best to keep innovative and proactive steps relying on effective and deep-rooted organizational habits. At Lilac, we believe in having a consistent influx of new arrivals from the artists that we represent, keeping our inventory fresh and exciting. Building client relationships and understanding where their particular interest lies is one of the key pillars upon which the gallery was built and we keep client satisfaction at the top of our priorities.

Q: What artist(s) inspire you?

A: I am utmost passionate about the contemporary artworks of the artist that we represent, as they bring a brand new emerging form of art into the current market. On the other hand, I am as well very inspired by the French impressionist movement by artists like Claude Monet, the abstract expressionist movement by artists like Jackson Pollock and Elaine de Kooning, and Post-Impressionism with works by Paul Cézan and Jacques Zucker.

Q: What is the best advice you’ve received?

A: There have been great pieces of advice that I have received during my career that changed my life in such a positive way that it’s very hard to choose one. But probably, if I would have to say one, it would be that to achieve success in any endeavor that you seek, you must have a very clear objective. And from there, to build the necessary basic moves you would have to perform to achieve that. These activities or tasks should be kept very simple and to have them executed in the most straightforward and proficient way.

Q: When you are not working, where can we find you?

A: When the weather allows I love to be outdoors, especially being in touch with nature, also in my free time you could find me visiting auction houses, out-of-town art exhibitions, attending comedy shows, and of course, spending time with family.

Q: What does exhibiting at Artexpo New York 2023 mean to you?

A: Since this would be the first time that Lilac Gallery will be participating in Artexpo New York we are very excited to have the opportunity to showcase the latest arrivals from our represented artists and to meet new art enthusiasts in the iconic venue of Pier 36. And of course, being a part of one of the most prestigious art fairs in NYC, we find it an honor and privilege to be a part of this 2023 edition.

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