Studying Arts is truly amazing and a creative journey students enjoy. While it can be hard and challenging at moments, there’s nothing better than doing what you love. But, what happens after you finish studying and get your Arts degree? What are your options then?

This article breaks down the best professional roads you can take after getting your Arts degree. Here are the jobs you might find yourself doing in the future.

1. Arts Teacher

If you enjoy spending time with young, creative, and enthusiastic people, consider a career in teaching. Transferring your skills and knowledge to the younger generations can be a rewarding process that never gets monotonous and boring.

Plus, you get to use your own creativity and use it in your methodology and pedagogy approach.

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2. Illustrator

Illustrator is another interesting career choice to consider. Illustrators use their creativity to bring messages to life and tell stories. It requires a specific level of artistic skills, since you need to adapt to the source materials and find the best way to bring words to life.

3.   Professional Artist

If there’s nothing you enjoy more than creating your original art, maybe you’re supposed to be a professional artist. This is not the easiest path to choose, but it’s certainly one of the most exciting.

You’d need to find your style and artistic expression. You’d also need to find a way to get the attention of art lovers, galleries, and your target audience.

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4. Graphic Design

Graphic designers are truly in demand these days since everyone needs a visual representation – from small businesses and brands to international companies.

As a graphic designer, you’ll oversee designing visual materials, visual identity, and brand materials such as logos, posters, flyers, social media posts, website visuals, and more. You’d be able to express the full spectrum of your artistic skills and embrace new and exciting projects regularly.

5. Museum Tour Guide

If you love spending time at art museums and enjoy the history of art, there’s a spot for you in an art museum somewhere. Your main responsibility as a museum tour guide would be to welcome visitors and help them make the most out of their museum visit.

You’d talk about the works of art that are exposed, the artists, and share stories on how they lived and created. You’d help them find what they’re looking for and learn as much as possible during their visit.

6. Art Workshops Leader

There are so many people out there who enjoy creating art, as amateurs. You could be the one to make this happen. You could organize and lead art workshops and help people express their creative side.

Your job would be to organize these events, come up with a theme, provide the materials and help people learn and have fun at the same time.

Image via Pexels – Una Laurencic

7. Curator

Many people who have an Arts degree decide to pursue a career as curators in art galleries. Their jobs carry a lot of responsibility but are exciting and dynamic.

The job of a curator implies:

  • researching artists
  • collecting works of art for the gallery exhibitions
  • putting exhibitions together

They’re also responsible for the presentations, publications, events, and other details related to their gallery. It requires knowing the art scene, doing research, and representing the gallery successfully.

8. Marketing

Every marketing team needs that one artistic person to help with visualization and designing marketing materials. You could be the person in charge of this side of a marketing campaign. You could use your skills to design, create and put together marketing materials that would reach the target audience and conduct the messages you designed.

Image via Pexels – Karolina Grabowski

9. Art Magazine Editor

Writing about art could be your calling. Art magazines need someone who is knowledgeable and creative to help deliver a great issue every time. If you know a thing or two about writing, and you can see yourself as managing a team of people, consider being an art magazine editor.

Final Thoughts

As you can see, having an Arts degree opens so many doors for you. Depending on your preferences and strongest skills and qualities, you’ll be able to choose a career path that suits you best. The important thing is that you find the job that you love doing – that way, you won’t ever feel like you’re working.

Hopefully, our list inspired you to think about your career choices and start making the first steps towards finding your dream job.


Author’s Bio: Barbara Fielder is a career counselor and a blogger working for Top Writers Review. She specializes in helping people find their ideal career and take the key steps towards reaching it. She loves sharing practical tips and tricks.

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